how to visit

can anybody help me hold this body is the touring public grief altar project accompanying the film deadbird as it is screened across Turtle Island.

alt tag

you are invited to honor this body lost by visiting one of the public grief altars created in locations on the film's tour. these altars are tended to by local BIPOC artists honoring the land they reside on and creating space for your visit.

if you are not in one of the touring cities, or prefer to practice differently, instructions are offered here on how to create a grief space of your own. please find the instructions on how to photograph and upload an image of your offering to the online archive so that we may join in this collective moment together.


COVID-19 Safety

(1) if it makes you feel safe, you are invited to wear a face covering at the altar.

(2) please keep a safe six-foot distance from other people, and allow for one altar offering to be made at a time. altar tenders will also keep a safe distance.

(3) there will be masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, and wipes available for anyone who needs them.

(4) if you’re experiencing or exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19 or have been in contact with others who are, please stay home to avoid the risk of exposing others.