
what if i am not in one of the touring cities?

you are welcome to stream the film online at any of the tour locations, and follow instructions to build an altar where you are. after the tour concludes, you are welcome to self-stream the film in our sliding scale pay-per-view setting in your own time, and follow the instructions to create your own altar offering and archive it through our “at home” location.

can i archive in any city and also at home?


i just uploaded a photo of my offering to your online archive. can i also post photos of the altar and my offerings to social media?

yes, we’d love to see! please use the hashtags:






who will i see at the altar?

in each city, a BIPOC artist will be there tending to the altar and holding space during scheduled hours. you are also welcome to visit the altar at anytime the location is open during the tour to each city. see city pages for more specific information and join us at the activation and closing.

is the space covid safe?

each altar is outdoors. at each location, there will be PPE for your safety. we ask that you keep distance, allow for one offering at a time, and come masked. the altar tenders will also be masked. please make a choice that’s safest for your body. there are instructions for building an altar at home if you prefer to practice differently.